Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Importance of Hydration & Massage

Why do we give you water after a massage?
 Why should you drink water before a massage?

Most people are dehydrated and for health reasons its important to drink water (and non caffeinated beverages). Summer brings with it heat - especially here in the South. Your body loses water and electrolytes more rapidly than you think. When you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated.

MayoClinic.com explains that your body is composed of 60% water. It is important in protecting organs, helping nutrients get absorbed into the body, lubricating joints, and regulating body temperature. Water also helps transport oxygen to the tissues and cells in your body and flush out waste products.

Massage therapy releases water, salt, and minerals from your muscles. By drinking water after a massage, your body is flushed out of your body. By doing this, soreness that may result from massage (especially deep tissue) can be minimized. If you drink water prior to a massage - particularly deep tissue massages - it is easier for your licensed massage therapist to work with and relax your muscles effectively.